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Compatability Information
Oil Filter's compatibility is a guide only. Please use part numbers and photos to confirm suitability for your vehicle.
K-type | Manufacturer | Model | Engine | Fuel_Type | Years |
1012230 | ASTRA | HD 8 | 44.36 T | Diesel | 2005- |
1008230 | ERF | ECT | 12.36 DB2 | Diesel | 2002- |
1008207 | ERF | ECT | 12.36 ST | Diesel | 2002- |
1008219 | ERF | ECT | 13.46 DT | Diesel | 2002- |
1008218 | ERF | ECT | 13.46 MT, MTL | Diesel | 2002- |
1008235 | ERF | ECT | 13.46 RDB3 | Diesel | 2002- |
1008220 | ERF | ECT | 13.48 DT | Diesel | 2005- |
1008216 | ERF | ECT | 13.48 MT, MTL | Diesel | 2005- |
1008229 | ERF | ECT | 13.48 RDB3 | Diesel | 2005- |
1008214 | ERF | ECT | 13.48 ST | Diesel | 2005- |
1011699 | MAN | E 2000 | 19.310 FALK, FALK-L | Diesel | 2000- |
1011748 | MAN | E 2000 | 19.310 FALS | Diesel | 2000- |
1011700 | MAN | E 2000 | 19.310 FLK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011749 | MAN | E 2000 | 19.310 FLS | Diesel | 2000- |
1011701 | MAN | E 2000 | 19.360 FALK, FALK-L | Diesel | 2000- |
1011753 | MAN | E 2000 | 19.360 FALS | Diesel | 2000- |
1011702 | MAN | E 2000 | 19.360 FLK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011754 | MAN | E 2000 | 19.360 FLS | Diesel | 2000- |
1011703 | MAN | E 2000 | 19.410 FALK, FALK-L | Diesel | 2000- |
1011750 | MAN | E 2000 | 19.410 FALS | Diesel | 2000- |
1011704 | MAN | E 2000 | 19.410 FLK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011751 | MAN | E 2000 | 19.410 FLS | Diesel | 2000- |
1011705 | MAN | E 2000 | 19.460 FALK, FALK-L | Diesel | 2000- |
1011756 | MAN | E 2000 | 19.460 FALS | Diesel | 2000- |
1011706 | MAN | E 2000 | 19.460 FLK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011757 | MAN | E 2000 | 19.460 FLS | Diesel | 2000- |
1011632 | MAN | E 2000 | 26.310 FAVLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011707 | MAN | E 2000 | 26.310 FAVLK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011633 | MAN | E 2000 | 26.360 FAVLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011708 | MAN | E 2000 | 26.360 FAVLK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011634 | MAN | E 2000 | 26.410 DFARC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011636 | MAN | E 2000 | 26.410 DFRC, FAVLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011709 | MAN | E 2000 | 26.410 FAVLK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011637 | MAN | E 2000 | 26.460 DFARC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011758 | MAN | E 2000 | 26.460 DFLS, DFLRS | Diesel | 2000- |
1011638 | MAN | E 2000 | 26.460 FAVLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011710 | MAN | E 2000 | 26.460 FAVLK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011640 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.230 FNLC | Petrol | 2000- |
1018394 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.230 FNLC | Petrol | 2000- |
1011641 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.310 FNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1018101 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.310 FNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1018395 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.310 FNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011645 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.360 FANLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011711 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.360 FANLK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011646 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.360 FNALC | Diesel | 2000- |
1018108 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.360 FNALK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011647 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.360 FNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1018102 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.360 FNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1018396 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.360 FNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011648 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.410 FANLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011712 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.410 FANLK | Diesel | 2000- |
1018105 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.410 FNALC | Diesel | 2000- |
1018107 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.410 FNALK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011649 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.410 FNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1018103 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.410 FNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1018397 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.410 FNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011650 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.460 FANLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011713 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.460 FANLK | Diesel | 2000- |
1018106 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.460 FNALC | Diesel | 2000- |
1018109 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.460 FNALK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011651 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.460 FNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1018104 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.460 FNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1018398 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.460 FNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1018279 | MAN | E 2000 | 28.460 FVAS | Diesel | 2000- |
1011760 | MAN | E 2000 | 29.460 FVAS | Diesel | 2000- |
1011652 | MAN | E 2000 | 30.310 FNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011635 | MAN | E 2000 | 30.360 FANLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011714 | MAN | E 2000 | 30.360 FANLK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011653 | MAN | E 2000 | 30.360 FNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011654 | MAN | E 2000 | 30.410 FANLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011715 | MAN | E 2000 | 30.410 FANLK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011655 | MAN | E 2000 | 30.410 FNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011657 | MAN | E 2000 | 30.460 FANLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011716 | MAN | E 2000 | 30.460 FANLK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011658 | MAN | E 2000 | 30.460 FNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011661 | MAN | E 2000 | 32.310 VFLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011668 | MAN | E 2000 | 32.310 VFNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011670 | MAN | E 2000 | 32.310 VFNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011671 | MAN | E 2000 | 32.360 VFLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011672 | MAN | E 2000 | 32.360 VFNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011673 | MAN | E 2000 | 32.360 VFNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011722 | MAN | E 2000 | 32.410 VFARK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011674 | MAN | E 2000 | 32.410 VFLC,VFRC, VFLRC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011676 | MAN | E 2000 | 32.410 VFNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011677 | MAN | E 2000 | 32.410 VFNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1018110 | MAN | E 2000 | 32.460 VFARK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011678 | MAN | E 2000 | 32.460 VFLC, VFLRC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011679 | MAN | E 2000 | 32.460 VFNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011680 | MAN | E 2000 | 32.460 VFNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011723 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.360 DFAK, DFALK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011681 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.360 DFALC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011761 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.360 DFALS | Diesel | 2001- |
1011682 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.360 DFLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011724 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.360 DFLK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011762 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.360 DFLS | Diesel | 2000- |
1011725 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.410 DFAK, DFALK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011684 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.410 DFALC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011763 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.410 DFALS | Diesel | 2001- |
1011685 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.410 DFLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011726 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.410 DFLK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011764 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.410 DFLS | Diesel | 2000- |
1011727 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.460 DFAK, DFALK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011687 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.460 DFALC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011765 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.460 DFALS | Diesel | 2001- |
1011688 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.460 DFLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011728 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.460 DFLK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011766 | MAN | E 2000 | 33.460 DFLS | Diesel | 2000- |
1011729 | MAN | E 2000 | 35.360 VFAK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011731 | MAN | E 2000 | 35.360 VFAK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011695 | MAN | E 2000 | 35.410 FVNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011696 | MAN | E 2000 | 35.410 FVNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011734 | MAN | E 2000 | 35.410 VFAK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011735 | MAN | E 2000 | 35.410 VFAK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011697 | MAN | E 2000 | 35.460 FVNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011698 | MAN | E 2000 | 35.460 FVNLC | Diesel | 2000- |
1011736 | MAN | E 2000 | 35.460 VFAK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011737 | MAN | E 2000 | 35.460 VFAK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011738 | MAN | E 2000 | 41.360 VFAK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011739 | MAN | E 2000 | 41.360 VFAK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011740 | MAN | E 2000 | 41.410 VFAK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011741 | MAN | E 2000 | 41.410 VFAK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011770 | MAN | E 2000 | 41.460 DFVS, DFVLS | Diesel | 2000- |
1011742 | MAN | E 2000 | 41.460 VFAK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011743 | MAN | E 2000 | 41.460 VFAK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011744 | MAN | E 2000 | 50.410 VFAK | Diesel | 2000- |
1018111 | MAN | E 2000 | 50.410 VFAK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011627 | MAN | E 2000 | 50.410 VFAVK, VFAVK-HK, VFAV-G | Diesel | 2001- |
1011745 | MAN | E 2000 | 50.410 VFK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011628 | MAN | E 2000 | 50.410 VFVK, VFV-G, VFVK-HK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011746 | MAN | E 2000 | 50.460 VFAK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011629 | MAN | E 2000 | 50.460 VFAVK, VFAV-G, VFAVK-HK | Diesel | 2001- |
1011747 | MAN | E 2000 | 50.460 VFK | Diesel | 2000- |
1011630 | MAN | E 2000 | 50.460 VFVK, VFVK-HK, VFV-G | Diesel | 2000- |
1001366 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.233 FC CNG | Petrol | 2000- |
1011910 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.233 FK, FK-L, CNG | Petrol | 2000- |
1001389 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.293 FAC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001391 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.293 FAK | Diesel | 1994- |
1001390 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.293 FAS | Diesel | 1994- |
1001386 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.293 FC,19.293 FLC,19.293 FLLC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001388 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.293 FK,19.293 FLK | Diesel | 1994- |
1001387 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.293 FS,19.293 FLS,19.293 FLLS | Diesel | 1994- |
1011865 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.314 FAC | Diesel | 2001- |
1011911 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.314 FAK, FA-KI, FAK-L | Diesel | 2001- |
1006223 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.314 FAS | Diesel | 1998- |
1006199 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.314 FC, FLC, FLLC, FLLW, FRC, FLRC, FLLRC, FLL, FLLR, F-N | Diesel | 1998- |
1006201 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.314 FK, FK-L, F-KI, FL-KI, F-NL, FLK | Diesel | 1998- |
1006200 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.314 FS, FLS, FLLS, FRS, FLRS, FLLRS | Diesel | 1998- |
1001399 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.343 FAC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001403 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.343 FAK | Diesel | 1994- |
1001401 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.343 FAS | Diesel | 1994- |
1001398 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.343 FC,19.343 FLC,19.343 FLLC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001402 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.343 FK,19.343 FLK | Diesel | 1994- |
1001400 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.343 FS,19.343 FLS,19.343 FLLS | Diesel | 1994- |
1006205 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.364 FAC | Diesel | 1998- |
1006206 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.364 FAK, FA-KI, FAK-L | Diesel | 1998- |
1006207 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.364 FAS | Diesel | 1998- |
1006202 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.364 FC, FLC, FLLC, FLLW, FRC, FLRC, FLLRC, FLL, FLLR, F-N | Diesel | 1998- |
1006204 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.364 FK, FK-L, F-KI, FL-KI, F-NL, FLK | Diesel | 1998- |
1006203 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.364 FS, FLS, FLLS, FRS, FLRS, FLLRS | Diesel | 1998- |
1001427 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.403 FAC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001431 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.403 FAK, FA-KI | Diesel | 1994- |
1001429 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.403 FAS | Diesel | 1994- |
1001426 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.403 FC, FLC, FLLC, FRC, FLRC, F-NL | Diesel | 1994- |
1001430 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.403 FK, F-KI, FK-L,FLK, FL-KI, F-NL | Diesel | 1994- |
1001428 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.403 FS, FLS, FLLS, FRS, FLRS, FLLRS | Diesel | 1994- |
1006212 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.414 FAC | Diesel | 1998- |
1006211 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.414 FAK, FA-KI, FAK-L | Diesel | 1998- |
1006210 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.414 FAS | Diesel | 1998- |
1006208 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.414 FC, FLC, FLLC, FRC, FLRC, FLLRC, FLL, FLLR, F-NL | Diesel | 1998- |
1006213 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.414 FK, F-KI, FK-L,FLK, FL-KI, F-NL | Diesel | 1998- |
1006209 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.414 FS, FLS, FLLS, FRS, FLRS, FLLRS | Diesel | 1998- |
1001468 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.463 FAC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001472 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.463 FAK, FA-KI, FAK-L | Diesel | 1994- |
1001470 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.463 FAS | Diesel | 1994- |
1001467 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.463 FC, FLC, FLLC, FRC, FLRC, F-NL | Diesel | 1994- |
1001471 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.463 FK, F-KI, FK-L,FLK, FL-KI, F-NL | Diesel | 1994- |
1001469 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.463 FS, FLS, FLLS, FRS, FLRS, FLLRS | Diesel | 1994- |
1011866 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.464 FAC | Diesel | 1998- |
1006218 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.464 FAK, FA-KI, FAK-L | Diesel | 1998- |
1006216 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.464 FAS | Diesel | 1998- |
1006214 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.464 FC, FLC, FLLC, FLL, FRC, FLLR, FLLRC, FLLW, F-NL | Diesel | 1998- |
1006217 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.464 FK, F-KI, FK-L,FLK, FL-KI, F-NL | Diesel | 1998- |
1006215 | MAN | F 2000 | 19.464 FS, FLS, FLLS, FRS, FLRS, FLLRS | Diesel | 1998- |
1011871 | MAN | F 2000 | 23.314 FNLLC | Diesel | 2001- |
1018281 | MAN | F 2000 | 23.314 FNLLC | Diesel | 2001- |
1001487 | MAN | F 2000 | 23.343 FNLLC | Diesel | 1994- |
1011872 | MAN | F 2000 | 23.364 FNLLC | Diesel | 2001- |
1018282 | MAN | F 2000 | 23.364 FNLLC | Diesel | 2001- |
1001488 | MAN | F 2000 | 23.403 FNLLC | Diesel | 1994- |
1011873 | MAN | F 2000 | 23.414 FNLLC | Diesel | 2001- |
1018283 | MAN | F 2000 | 23.414 FNLLC | Diesel | 2001- |
1001489 | MAN | F 2000 | 23.463 FNLLC | Diesel | 1994- |
1011874 | MAN | F 2000 | 23.464 FNLLC | Diesel | 2001- |
1018284 | MAN | F 2000 | 23.464 FNLLC | Diesel | 2001- |
1001491 | MAN | F 2000 | 24.293 FNLLC | Diesel | 1994- |
1011875 | MAN | F 2000 | 24.314 FNLLRC | Diesel | 2001- |
1001493 | MAN | F 2000 | 24.343 FNLLC | Diesel | 1994- |
1011877 | MAN | F 2000 | 24.364 FNLLRC | Diesel | 2001- |
1001495 | MAN | F 2000 | 24.403 FNLLC | Diesel | 1994- |
1011878 | MAN | F 2000 | 24.414 FNLLRC | Diesel | 2001- |
1001497 | MAN | F 2000 | 24.463 FNLLC | Diesel | 1994- |
1011876 | MAN | F 2000 | 24.464 FNLLRC | Diesel | 2001- |
1012005 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.233 FVL-KO | Petrol | 2000- |
1001498 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.233 FVLC CNG | Petrol | 1996- |
1011985 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.314 DF-TM | Diesel | 2001- |
1011879 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.314 DFC, DFLC | Diesel | 2001- |
1011912 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.314 DFK, DFLK, DFLK-L | Diesel | 2001- |
1011963 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.314 DFS, DFLS | Diesel | 2001- |
1011867 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.314 FNLC, FNLLC, FNLLRC, FNLLW, FNLRC, FNLLRC, FVLC | Diesel | 2001- |
1011959 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.314 FNLS | Diesel | 2001- |
1012006 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.314 FVL-KO | Diesel | 2001- |
1011955 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.314 FVLS, FVLRS | Diesel | 2001- |
1001548 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.343 DFC,26.343 DFLC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001550 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.343 DFK,26.343 DFLK | Diesel | 1994- |
1001549 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.343 DFS,26.343 DFLS | Diesel | 1994- |
1001551 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.343 FNLC,26.343 FNLLC,26.343 FVLC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001552 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.343 FNLS,26.343 FVLS | Diesel | 1994- |
1011986 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.364 DF-TM | Diesel | 2001- |
1011880 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.364 DFC, DFLC | Diesel | 2001- |
1011913 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.364 DFK, DFLK, DFLK-L | Diesel | 2001- |
1011964 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.364 DFS, DFLS | Diesel | 2001- |
1011869 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.364 FNLC, FNLLC, FNLLRC, FNLLW, FNLRC, FNLLRC, FVLC | Diesel | 2001- |
1011960 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.364 FNLS | Diesel | 2001- |
1012007 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.364 FVL-KO | Diesel | 2001- |
1011956 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.364 FVLS, FVLRS | Diesel | 2001- |
1001562 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.403 DFC,26.403 DFLC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001564 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.403 DFK,26.403 DFLK | Diesel | 1994- |
1001563 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.403 DFS,26.403 DFLS | Diesel | 1994- |
1001565 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.403 FNLC,26.403 FNLLC,26.403 FVLC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001566 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.403 FNLS,26.403 FVLS | Diesel | 1994- |
1011987 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.414 DF-TM | Diesel | 2001- |
1011881 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.414 DFC, DFLC | Diesel | 2001- |
1011914 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.414 DFK, DFLK, DFLK-L | Diesel | 2001- |
1011965 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.414 DFS, DFLS | Diesel | 2001- |
1011870 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.414 FNLC, FNLLC, FNLLRC, FNLLW, FNLRC, FNLLRC, FVLC | Diesel | 2001- |
1011961 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.414 FNLS | Diesel | 2001- |
1012008 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.414 FVL-KO | Diesel | 2001- |
1011957 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.414 FVLS, FVLRS | Diesel | 2001- |
1001572 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.463 DFC, DFLC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001574 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.463 DFK, DFLK, DFLK-L | Diesel | 1994- |
1001573 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.463 DFS, DFLS | Diesel | 1994- |
1001575 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.463 FNLC, FNLLC, FNLLRC, FNLLW, FNLRC, FNLLRC, FVLC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001576 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.463 FNLS, FVLS, FVLRS | Diesel | 1994- |
1011988 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.464 DF-TM | Diesel | 2001- |
1012011 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.464 DFC, DFLC | Diesel | 2001- |
1011915 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.464 DFK, DFLK, DFLK-L | Diesel | 2001- |
1011966 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.464 DFS, DFLS | Diesel | 2001- |
1011868 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.464 FNLC, FNLLC, FNLLRC, FNLLW, FNLRC, FNLLRC, FVLC | Diesel | 2001- |
1011962 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.464 FNLS | Diesel | 2001- |
1012009 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.464 FVL-KO | Diesel | 2001- |
1011958 | MAN | F 2000 | 26.464 FVLS, FVLRS | Diesel | 2001- |
1001592 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.293 DFAC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001594 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.293 DFAK | Diesel | 1994- |
1001593 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.293 DFAS | Diesel | 1994- |
1001589 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.293 DFC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001591 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.293 DFK | Diesel | 1994- |
1001590 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.293 DFS | Diesel | 1994- |
1011989 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.314 DF-TM | Diesel | 2001- |
1011889 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.314 DFAC | Diesel | 2001- |
1011926 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.314 DFAK, DFA-KI, DFAK-L | Diesel | 2001- |
1011978 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.314 DFAS | Diesel | 2001- |
1011882 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.314 DFC | Diesel | 2001- |
1011916 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.314 DFK, DFLK, DFLK-L, DF-KI | Diesel | 2001- |
1011969 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.314 DFS | Diesel | 2001- |
1012365 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.314 FVL | Diesel | 1998- |
1001609 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.343 DFAC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001611 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.343 DFAK | Diesel | 1994- |
1001610 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.343 DFAS | Diesel | 1994- |
1001606 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.343 DFC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001608 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.343 DFK | Diesel | 1994- |
1001607 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.343 DFS | Diesel | 1994- |
1011990 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.364 DF-TM | Diesel | 2001- |
1011890 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.364 DFAC | Diesel | 2001- |
1011927 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.364 DFAK, DFA-KI, DFAK-L | Diesel | 2001- |
1011979 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.364 DFAS | Diesel | 2001- |
1011883 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.364 DFC | Diesel | 2001- |
1011917 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.364 DFK, DFK-KI, DFK-L, DF-KI | Diesel | 2001- |
1011970 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.364 DFS | Diesel | 2001- |
1012366 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.364 FVL | Diesel | 1998- |
1011991 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.373 DF-TM | Diesel | 2000- |
1011992 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.403 DF-TM | Diesel | 2000- |
1001622 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.403 DFAC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001624 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.403 DFAK, DFA-KI, DFAK-L | Diesel | 1994- |
1001623 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.403 DFAS | Diesel | 1994- |
1001619 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.403 DFC | Diesel | 1994- |
1001621 | MAN | F 2000 | 27.403 DFK, DFK-KI, DFK-L, DF-KI | Diesel | 1994- |
Product Information
Product Information
SKU | MAN HU 1381 x |
Part Manufacturer | MANN HUMMEL filtry |
MPN | HU 1381 X |
OE Number | 51.05504-0098 |